Yes we have been busy organising and planning for next semester. I wanted to get as much done now as I could so that everybody could hand out flyers and promote over the uni break coming up. Hopefully we will be able to do that if we can print at the beginning of next week.
This version is about the 6th (6th!) draft in a line of changes and ideas. I did surveys, took pictures, retook pictures, wrote text, changed text, talked to people, got feedback, rechanged stuff, talked to my lecturer, got his ideas, changed stuff, bossed people around for more pictures! So firstly thanks very much Fiona Cho, who is the master of photoshop,for your talents and being so patient. Was fun working in the guts of China town in your shop on this! Thanks to everyones feedback as well and thanks a lot for letting me take pictures too!
Let me know what you think. All feedback is good!