
Friday, July 30, 2010

Fire needle: Consultation before treatment

Here we have Noam being interviewed before treatment. He's got some back pain he's had for a while. Thanks guys. Interviewed by practitioner Weihong Li at UTS TCM Clinic.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fire needle treatment for back pain

Here we have an awesome up close video of Noam getting fire needle treatment for back pain. Well done Noam and thanks for letting me video it :)

This video is pretty full on, so not for anybody who doesn't like needles! Catch up on the results soon in another video.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Facial Acupuncture: jaw pain, sinus headache

I have done almost 100 treatments this year in clinic. Jessica here very kindly let me take some pics of her acupuncture. Thanks!
A brief overview of her case involves treatment for jaw pain and sinus pain and headaches on a weekly basis which are very painful for her. We are getting some excellent relief with the jaw pain for the following days after treatment. Headaches have been trickier but Jess is in the middle of Australian High School Certificate exams and so that can always be a headache! Good luck Jess and as you can see I'm sure she will do great as she can even smile through this. Tough stuff :)


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