
Friday, January 27, 2012

New Australian Dr. Based Lobby Group:Alternative Med, Shut it down

There is a group of people who really want to close down alternative medicine in Australia.

This is influenced from the UK, which has closed public funded alternative medicine Uni courses.

Now the article claims there may be a rethink with private health funds and rebates in Australia, as English medical insurers have removed rebates for alternatives.

With Euro austerity measures developing there are bound to be cuts.

It would be great to see more open mindedness at these times of change though. What will help? Relying on just one way of thinking similar to a monoculture or broadening vision and using as many dynamic points of view as possible to develop and respond?

Here's the article:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Think positive and the Universe comes to you!

Wow January is almost done! Getting closer to half way into the first quartre of the new year already!

So I got into the ocean properly for this year and it was fantastic. Then I went into my favourite spot down at Bondi: Icebergs and did a few laps and had a cup of tea.

While I was there Jennifer Hawkins ( former Miss Universe winner!) turned up for a photo shoot.

Check it out in this link: Newspaper article

Here's the behind the scenes shots !

It was a beautiful day !


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