Here's a shot out of the window when I was studying. Well when I say studying I mean contemplating as I was, of course, looking out of the window. Maybe staring. They also have all the daily newspapers there. Its a real pleasure to leaf through instead of checking online... Anyway I digress as I was talking of studying. Well as you can see this is a beautiful image of a beautiful garden that are the grounds of Double Bay library. Quite beautiful...
Here's a Kookaburra bird, relation to the kingfisher I think, that decided to sit on the bench a bit later.
Hi Damien,
Thanks for posting these great pictures of our library's surroundings. It's nice hearing that library users enjoy the beautiful setting while studying or relaxing...or procrastinating!
Woollahra Library & Information Service is also on Twitter now (@woollahra_lib), so you can keep up to date with Library news and events.
From Anna at Woollahra Library
HI Anna,
Haha how did you find this post? I am now technology amazed. My library is on Twitter too! Search libraries in my blog and you will find a small selestion of libraries compared from the Eastern suburbs, including Woollhara ( I call it Double Bay Library...) Enjoy
Hi Damien,
It's only a little bit amazing - I use Google Alerts to see when any of our libraries are mentioned. Our library service has branches at Double Bay (the one you know), Paddington and Watsons Bay, plus a Local History Centre in Double Bay, so I have alerts set up to track mentions for each.
And thanks for including our Double Bay branch in your comparison. It looks like you get a lot of work and a bit of relaxing done there - which is good to see!
From Anna at Woollahra Library
Oh cool, I will check out alerts. In the meantime I video blogged in the library grounds recently and will give Double Bay Library another mention. Thanks Anna!
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