
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why is printing like a difficult tragedy! The story of a flyer...

This is the first version as an initial idea. Basically it was to have images to portray information of what was happening and to be up beat

Then we came up with the idea of happy images to provide a positive feeling. So here's a couple of examples we played with.
Then we got busy with it: adding info and design. Then we realised we needed to use the front and the back
Then there was a realisation that we needed a more professional look. We needed to be in clinic whites... My opinion: the photos of people smiling were to portray an upbeat feeling of acupuncture, it didn't matter if they where practitioners or not. But the majority thought was we needed a professional looking image, so two lots of reshoots later (light problems and setting problems ) and we managed to get something OK. We where going to photoshop it but that turned out to be a huge task!We also had some spelling mistakes to change and a last minute idea to add a free health assessment seminar. Actually my idea... But we had to redesign a lot because of the extra info and space needed. So this is the final front and back we used.

So there you have it. A brief history of a flyer.

Hi CMA Blogs,

One way I have been communicating with the world is through a flyer. This has been to promote the UTS TCM Clinic, as you may know..
This flyer was a simple concept of a picture, statement and contact. It evolved so much since that initial idea and there have been 7 different versions, some of them shown above, until the final one. It was continunily developing. Someone would have a good idea, great add that. We needed to take some pictures, ok. Not quite right. We had to do it again and so on. I even polled people on the street: " what do you think of this and that", got some great ideas and pointers ( one being to explain what acupuncture and herbs were for starters!!!). Then there was my long suffering co-pilot designer. This girl ws doing Chinese medicine, is Chinese and comes from a massive background in the heart of China town here. Just before the end of third year (3 years!) she decided to defer the course and actually do a design course. So I was working with someone who didn't really care about tcm and was going somewhere else. Anyway managed to get a print of the flyer but the bleed wasn't done (technical term for the safety margin for printers to work with for chopping and slicing images). Then I have a flyer with a white border on it when there shouldn't be. Little did I know that the uni printer did me a big favour as I did the same thing with another printer and they sent me the proof and I have a postage stamp sized image on a flyer as the border is so big! Now I am trying to work out the bleed and due to circumstance and technicalities it seems impossible!!!

Anyone know how to put a bleed on a DL image through photoshop?? haha

I must also say that I think my co-pilot will be a great designer as most of this flyer is her talent! Can't wait to see what she does in the future :)

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