Special ingredients on display
Happy massage pplPower up
Orientation day is the week before semester starts, so all the first years rock up to find out what’s on offer at uni. It’s a great place to meet people and promote what you’re doing and I decided to take full advantage!
I set up a stall, and organised gold coin donations for massage, gave free Chinese medicine health assessments and answered a million questions on Chinese medicine. Oh, and I booked a few patients for my final year internship clinic hours!
It was a great success and great fun. Thanks mainly to Audrey and Isabella who got stuck right into it! I checked our gold coin donations, over $40 worth, from small change! I couldn’t believe it! Anyway thanks to everybody who rocked up to help or have a look and especially to Nic for the cupcakes or the Gui Zhi Swirl Muffins! They were delicious!