
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

UTS Library

Here's an interesting pic of the last time I was in the library. Me and a friend had to go over acupuncture point location and there were no seats or rooms left (end of semester). So we ended up here between the aisles of the TCM books. Pretty handy really.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Health Today

I was looking for massage courses and I came across this video from a practitioner. I liked his take on intuitive health and the way he over viewed the number of ways information contradicts itself. To me its highlighted the background bother of how do we legitimise natural health and respect western medicine? As soon as you start mentioning one it becomes a defense or an attack against the other. As soon as you spruik one it becomes slightly mistrusted or blindly excepted.
My opinion is that there has to be a new way of thinking. A shift in consciousness-similar in the way to the acknowledgment of Global issues.

Combining is difficult (water and fire!) and a single minded point of view is dogmatic (a cult for example). One thing I’m sure of is a lot of energy is wasted in an adverserial approach. However we can begin to see a softening of this approach. Today politics blends ideas for the majority to follow. A few global brands influence a planet. There is an awareness of a global impact with actions and deeds with the environment instead of just local concern. The Internet has connected the world and it’s people. Remember the impact of google earth-a wow moment!
How can this be harnessed with health? Everyone is different but all actions are accountable and reflected globally. These ideas for health have to be combined for survival. What on earth is going to be that moment?

Be the change you want to see Gandhi said. Thinking of these things is a beginning. Acquiring the knowledge of these matters is a second step. Applying this knowledge with the best of intentions is the third step. Maintaining the best of intentions and listening to your conscience, in my opinion, is the best guidance there can be and hopefully the universe shows you something that takes your interest.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

China Earthquake

I was looking for a picture I'd taken close to the same time of the earthquake and I found this one. Its someone's travel van parked at Bondi Beach with a peace sign light above it.

I realised it's been just over a month since the horrific earthquake in China. Let us hope those people left behind find support and let us carry a moment of thought for those who passed away.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Tattooing...

Tattooing and acupuncture? I was talking to a student a year above me about possibilities and pathways to follow after graduation. Usually people want to specialise in dermatology, cosmetic acupuncture or pain clinics and so on. However I was really surprised by his idea of tattooing! His opinion was using candle nut ink had beneficial herbal properties for arthritis. Building on this idea he stated that using acupuncture points during tattooing increases this benefit and that a specific design would have a powerful energetic effect as well, like a Ganesh (the Hindu elephant deity) symbol or ancient pattern.
Personally I wouldn't get one, but I did complement him on the Ganesh elephant tattoo he showed me on his shoulder.

Monday, June 16, 2008

TCM Clinic for sale

Hi people,
A friend of mine is selling one of his TCM clinics due to a change in Australian immigration laws. He told me he hasn't got enough people to staff it. He sent me this to pass around:
"The largest and only franchise of Chinese Medicine Clinics in Sydney- Traditional Chinese Medicine Australia Eastgardens branch for sale:
regularly patients, long lease, 5 individual treatment rooms, herbal medicine cooking and packing machine, one council approved GP position available, professional acupuncture clinical techniques and special herbal formula training.
Eastgardens Westfield, 152 Bunnerong Road is the second biggest shopping center in Eastern suburb.
Contact: General manager Jessica Website: "
A while a go I was getting treatments from him and he used to have the raw herbs brewed and bagged up for when I came in for next weeks appointment. I think the raw herbs are the way to go, but they are so inconvenient so I really liked this method of doing it. The only draw back is that the herbs would be a week behind. They still helped me at the time though. They are probably more powerful than the instant "coffee" freeze dried style of herbs and the generalised patent pills that you can get.
I must admit I am impressed by his business. He has three other five roomed clinics. All set up with automatic foot pad controlled tables, movement sensing hand washes and so on. All clean and professional looking. I think his standards are better than a lot of other clinics I've been too. One of which I remember had yellow sheets because they had been used so much an not washed. That's another story though. Check out his website to get an idea as that is pretty good too. BTW the significance of five rooms, he explained once, is the association with the five elements. Sort of superstition/feng shui and energy related I presume.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chinese Medicine Books

This is my favourite book row in the library right now

For some reason these titles were clumped together in their own little area. Here are the titles if you can't read them.
"Foundations of Tibetan Medicine"
"Earth Medicine/Earth Foods"
"Acupuncture and Pain Theory"
"The Healing Potential of Music and Sound"
"Sorcerers and Healing Spirits"
Pretty interesting bunch. Unfortunately I couldn't take any out as I had a some other books with me on Chinese Massage techniques for my last assignment. Next time I'm back I'll get one and let you know about it.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Paris Hilton and Chinese Medicine!!!

Just thought I'd have a bit of fun with a Paris Hilton headline

This was the example question for one of our Western Science multiple choice quizzes. It's good when the lecture's have a sense of humour. I hope he's still got it after marking the exam I just did!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Prior to Impact of Pulse Exam

Here is an up close and personal view of the moments that only last a few minutes but take 5 months to build up to...

James hilariously chowing food down just before the most stomach twisting moment-Exam room entry More informationPS2 distractions before crunch time

Final moments before maximum impact

That was another tough one! If anyone needs to check my pulse it's probably in a new category thanks to that exam.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another exam done

Just had my Health Science exam today which is the Western Medicine part of the course, Anatomy and Physiology ( A and P). Was quite long and had 120 questions. Felt like ages going through it. Reminded me of some kind of forever coach trip when you can't get off...Anyway that ones done.
Got a call last night about 8ish, night before this exam.
"What does A and P stand for?"
"Huh?" I said
"Reading a break down of what might be in the exam and it says blah, blah and A and P,"
"Pretty much the subject name for the main parts of the course!" I replied
"Oh OK...thanks."
Classic moment. I was too stunned to laugh!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Acupuncture needles

This is the inside of an acupuncture sharps container.
If a container is full to the top, never jam any more needles in as you may slip and stab your hand on the needles already in there. Cool pic I thought

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Yins and Yangs of Exams

Here's a before and after of the Chinese Herbs Pharmacology exam!
10 minutes before: Yin followed by Yang. That is fear followed by adrenalin. 10 minutes after exam: Yang followed by Yin. That is beer followed by chatting
That exam had build up to it! A lot if Western and Chinese mixed up together with a broad range to it. Herbs is a tricky one. The notion is healing through natural materials. The idea is: you will learn the functions and meanings of Chinese herbs in Western context. The result: The interpretations are mixed between people's points of view, the research is limited and a lot is animal based. I guess there are opportunities there. Anyway we did it!
One more thing. This exam was on a Saturday! Now that is WRONG!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Chinese Medicine Books

Some books for perusal

I get few hits now, so thanks!, and this is to keep you interested while I study for my Pharmacology exam 2moz.

These are some pics of the shelves in the UTS Library section on TCM. Enjoy! Grasping the Wind is a an interesting book on the definitions of the actual names for the acupuncture points BTW.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Acupuncture Points Location Exam

The UTS Tower of Power. Even shrouded in mist and slightly drizzled with fresh morning dew it doesn't come close to romantic.Studying for point location exam. All students, no matter what nation or age, migrate to the floor to study This is just before our acupuncture point exam today waiting in the corridor
Just before the Acupuncture Points Exam (note lack of smiles)
Imagine memorising a sequence of 300 numbers with strange Chinese interpretations attached to them. Then add western Latin physical terms to memorise too (e.g medial malleolus). Further imagine an examiner stands next you, in the background the gentle ticking of a 20 minute count down timer, and asks you 25 random questions to locate and explain these points! Plus you have to do it on the 12th level of the ugliest building in Sydney. Well that was mine and a few other peoples reality today. STRESSFUL!
Somehow you get through it. Thanks everyone!!!-including the examiners I guess...


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